Opportunities for graduate student scholarships, undergraduate students and post doctoral fellowships. CREATE offers highly competitive financial support for exceptional students and post doctoral fellows. Funding is provided by NSERC.
Applications instructions can be found here.
This six-year project, started in 2011 is supported by NSERC’s Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program (CREATE).
The goal of the IACPES’ program is to provide opportunities for exceptional graduate students (MSc and PhD), undergraduate students and post-doctoral fellows. Students accepted into the program will receive highly competitive financial stipend, and enhanced training amongst a collaborative group of internationally known scientists whose research interests are in atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics, from the troposphere to the thermosphere, and beyond to the atmospheres of other planets. The program is challenging and will supplement the training that applicants normally receive in graduate and undergraduate programs at their home institution. Students who have demonstrated prior academic excellence will be accepted into the program. Are you up for the challenge? Apply here.
Funding for this Program is Provided by NSERC.