For IACPES training day this year, Friday May 29, 2015; we are arranging
an Advanced Instrumentation Tour over at Environment Canada (4905
Dufferin Street) including:
Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (HR-AMS)
Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS)
Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS)
Brewer Spectrophotometer & Ozonesondes
With lunch, this would be ~ 5 hours, 9am-2pm. The limited size group
would be broken down into smaller groups for the tour:
This is a limited registration event. Priority goes to the following in
this order…
– IACPES grad students & PDF’s
– IACPES undergrads
– other graduate students
– others
We will only be accepting a group of 12 total. Please register
More details to be announced later.