Category Archives: News

NSERC CREATE IACPES Training Day, May 29, 2015

For IACPES training day this year, Friday May 29, 2015; we are arranging
an Advanced Instrumentation Tour over at Environment Canada (4905
Dufferin Street) including:

Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (HR-AMS)
Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS)
Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS)
Brewer Spectrophotometer & Ozonesondes

With lunch, this would be ~ 5 hours, 9am-2pm. The limited size group
would be broken down into smaller groups for the tour:
This is a limited registration event. Priority goes to the following in
this order…

– IACPES grad students & PDF’s
– IACPES undergrads
– other graduate students
– others

We will only be accepting a group of 12 total. Please register

More details to be announced later.


Prof. Robert McLaren is accepting applications for graduate students and post doctoral positions

Prof. Robert McLaren is currently accepting applications for graduate students in atmospheric chemistry. Excellent applicants should apply to the IACPES Program.

Prof. McLaren is also accepting applications for a post-doctoral position, with a focus on aerosol formation studies in collaboration with Environment Canada. Experience with aerosol mass spectrometry, PTR/MS and physical measurements of aerosols is an asset. Excellent applicants should apply to IACPES.

Announcing the 5th Canadian Science Policy Conference

Mark your calendar for the upcoming CSPC 2013 conference, to be held at the Allstream Centre in Toronto, Ontario from November 20 to 22, 2013.

After 5 years, CSPC is returning to Toronto to host an expanded, diversified and richer science policy conference.  The conference offers a unique platform for diverse groups of stakeholders to connect at the national level, to exchange ideas on key issues in science, technology and innovation policy, and to craft a future based on strong, dynamic, and innovative policy-making for the benefit of all Canadians.  Under the title of “ScienceNext: Incubating Innovation and Ingenuity“, the conference will provide a unique opportunity to facilitate discussion among diverse groups of science policy stakeholders.

For more information, click here

OME Mobile Air Monitoring Units visits York University

OME Mobile Air Monitoring Unit Vehicles

OME Mobile Air Monitoring Unit Vehicles

During the week of June 10-14, 2013 the NSERC CREATE Integrating Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics from Earth to Space (IACPES) Program at York University hosted a Training Week. Funding for this program is provided by NSERC. This 2nd annual Training Week is intended for all trainees supported by the NSERC CREATE IACPES Program, and also for undergraduates, graduates and PDF and professions who wish to attend. This week long training consist of an intensive 3-day summer school, a symposium/poster day and a day of hands-on training on IGOR PRO Scientific Software.  For more information on each of these aspects click here. 


Inside the OME Mobile Air Monitoring Unit Van

Inside the OME Mobile Air Monitoring Unit Van

OME Personnel giving tour to IACPES participants

OME Personnel giving tour to IACPES participants

37 participants from various affiliations registered for the summer school (19 YU; 6 UoT; 3 U Cal; 3 OME; 3 EC; 1 UG; 1 UBC; 1 UWO),  29 participants registered for the symposium/poster day (12 presented talks; 7 posters), and 24 registered for the hands-on training which was the maximum allowed in the lab. 8 Professors from various universities and 4 professionals from Environment Canada (EC) lectured at the summer school as well as there were  representatives from EC, OME and City of Toronto who participated at an atmospheric policy panel discussion session. On the 1st day of summer school 5 OME personnel gave the students an impressive tour/hands-on session of their operational Mobile Air Monitoring Units (van and truck)
