Attention NSERC CREATE IACPES Graduate Students and Post Docs. We are encouraging you to attend the following workshops presented by Mitacs Step. “Mitacs Step is a suite of interactive professional development workshops designed to prepare graduate students and post docs for careers within or beyond academia”. All graduate students and Post Docs are welcome. Mitacs.
Upcoming workshops offered at York University are:
Essentials of Productive Teams, Friday, December, 13, 2013, York University
Practice your Presentation Skills 1, Tuesday, February 4, 2014, York University
Skills of Business Etiquette, Wednesday, February, 5, 2014, York University
Other workshops are offered at other universities such as UofT and Ryerson as well; all graduate students and post docs are welcome to take the workshops at any university in Canada where they are being offered conveniently, especially if the workshop wanted is full or not offered at your preferred University. See the attached flyer for registration and information. Mitacs