Category Archives: Events

NSERC CREATE IACPES Training Day, May 29, 2015

For IACPES training day this year, Friday May 29, 2015; we are arranging
an Advanced Instrumentation Tour over at Environment Canada (4905
Dufferin Street) including:

Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (HR-AMS)
Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS)
Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS)
Brewer Spectrophotometer & Ozonesondes

With lunch, this would be ~ 5 hours, 9am-2pm. The limited size group
would be broken down into smaller groups for the tour:
This is a limited registration event. Priority goes to the following in
this order…

– IACPES grad students & PDF’s
– IACPES undergrads
– other graduate students
– others

We will only be accepting a group of 12 total. Please register

More details to be announced later.


2nd Annual IACPES Training Week in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics will be held June 10-14, 2013 at York University


The 2nd Annual IACPES Training Week in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics will be held the week of

June 10-14, 2013 at York University. 

We ask that all IACPES students put this week on hold.  We are happy to have investigators and collaborators attend as well.

Funding for this training week is provided by NSERC.

For more information, please click here

We look forward to seeing you all in June.

The First IACPES Summer Course in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics will be held August 20-24, 2012 at York University

The first IACPES Summer Course in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics will be held the week of Aug 20-24, 2012 at York University.  Funding is provided by NSERC.  We ask that all IACPES students put this week on hold.  We are happy to have investigators and collaborators attend as well. 

The summer course will be open to non-IACPES students who have an interest in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered for all IACPES students.  Other activities during the week will also be open to non-IACPES students, conditional on space availability.  Click here for more details.


A brief synopsis of the week is as follows:

August 20 – IACPES symposium (all students should plan on making a presentation)
August 21-23 –  Summer Course in ACP
August 24 – Training activities for students

For further details please click here

We look forward to seeing you all in August.