- Jeffrey Geddes, Dalhouse University, Satellite measurements of chemical composition
- Donald Hastie, York University, Sulfur oxidation chemistry in the atmosphere
- Katherine Hayden, Environment Canada, Atmospheric measurements from aircraft
- Anne-Marie MacDonald, Environment Canada, Cloud chemistry
- Robert McLaren, York University, Emission and emission inventories
- Jennifer Murphy, University of Toronto, Aerosol acidity, Chemical transport – Introduction to modeling
- Hans Osthoff, University of Calgary, Mass spectrometry for trace gas measurements
- Jochen Rudolph, York Univesity, VOC reaction chemistry
- Steffen Sandy, Environment Canada, Atmospheric mercury and its impact on cycling of mercury through the environment
- Peter Taylor, York University, Basic meteorology measurements – York weather station
- James Whiteway, York University, Planetary LIDAR measurements
- Craig Stroud, Environment Canada, Gas phase tropospheric chemistry: The science under the hood of air quality models
- Professor Christian Haas, York University, Observing Arctic Sea ice change
- Yongsheng Chen, York University, Data assimilation in model forecasting of weather