The NSERC CREATE IACPES program will offer extremely competitive stipends for graduate students accepted into the program. The total compensation will include an NSERC CREATE stipend as well as other sources of income from your host university: research assistantships, teaching assistantships, etc. Funding is provided by NSERC.
For graduate students, the NSERC CREATE annual stipend is:
$21,000 for PhD students and $17,500 for MSc students.
In most cases, total payment will be $30,000 to $35,000 per year. For more details discuss with your potential supervisor.
Students who have other major scholarships are encouraged to apply. They will receive total payment similar to that outlined above, as well as all the other benefits of the IACPES program.
In addition, travel expenses incurred for requirements of the IACPES program will be reimbursed; including travel and accommodation costs during the mandatory six month exchange program (PhD students).
Stipends from CREATE IACPES are limited to a lifetime maximum of four years full-time equivalent for a PhD student and two years full-time equivalent for MSc students. The stipend for a postdoctoral fellow is limited to 2 years support.
For Undegraduate Research Assistants you must apply. Please submit a resume, transcript, and a letter of support from your supervisor.
Funding for this Program is Provided by NSERC.